Allegra Siren
The Healing Artist
B.A. in Spanish Language and Culture | Psychology
M.A. in Global Leadership | Religion
Ph.D. in Metaphysical Humanistic Science | Spiritual Philosophy (etc-2023)
If I can be honest, my life has not been easy. I have been through abuse, domestic violence, divorce, single parenthood, and have lived with a rare chronic “dis-ease” for over 25 years. I believe that the more you go through, the higher your capacity to heal others-if you are first willing to commit to your own healing. Because of this belief, I try to be as real, raw, and uncut as possible so that others see me and can learn lessons by looking at all of the stages of my life. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. I learn with every decision- good or bad- and I try my best to see other perspectives. My constant need for enlightenment and higher consciousness is what makes me a healer. The lessons that I have learned from my mistakes makes me a healer. Learning to overcome the trials placed in my path, is what makes me a healer. There is a healer in all of us, and I have a desire to help others heal so that we can be a more unified, conscious primordial being.
With that being said, my journey started long before I was born and has been a life-long journey of realization and self-discovery. I come from a long line of spiritually inclined healers and root workers. When I was just a child, my mother who is a licensed therapist, used to practice metaphysical development with me. We called it “The Shining”. It was then that I began learning that reality is in the mind. I was taught to see without eyes and hear without ears. At the age of 16 I began feeling other people’s pain from great distances and having prophetic dreams. I was always intrigued by the occult intersections of language, culture. and spirituality.
Passionate Studies
In my time on this earth I have studied a variety of topics related to healing people such as various world languages, cultures of the African and Afro-Latin diaspora, Asian-based Spiritual practices and religions, Christianity, Santería, Voodoo, Ifa, Paganism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Hoodoo in terms of rootwork, herbalism, and metaphysics.
The Divine 6
The “Divine 6” is an innate knowing and connection to the Divine energies around you. Having the Divine 6 means that you are aware of your energetic origins and are here to help raise the planetary vibration.
I am passionate about helping others heal and I genuinely believe that the Divine has given us all an internal toolbox to help us become the best version of ourselves.